Contoh Penggunaan Time Signal Pada Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Pada past future perfect continuous tense terdiri dari 4 tense, yaitu :
Past Tense, past tense meerupakan tense dasar dalam past future perfect continuous ini yang menyatakan waktu lampau sehingga pada tense past future perfect continuous ini dipakai kata kerja bentuk lampau.Future tense, willl + infinitive.
Perfect tense, have + V3
Continuous tense, To be+ V-ing
Jika digabungkan Past future perfect continuous tense Bahasa Inggris sanggup dijelaskan sebagai bentuk kedua dari will yaitu would yang mengandung been sebagai to be dan mempunyai Verb (Kata kerja) dengan akhiran ing.
Kalian mungkin bingung, bagaimana mungkin empat tenses yang bertolak belakang sanggup dijadikan satu dan ditulis dalam satu kalimat yang sama, membentuk sebuah tense yang baru. Dalam tenses Bahasa Inggris, semuanya sanggup dikondisikan, termasuk memakai tiga tenses dalam rentan waktu yang berlawanan dan membentuk satu tense yang baru, serta penggunaannya sanggup menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dari penulis.
Sehingga auxiliary verb yang ada pada past future perfect continuous ini yakni would, have, been dan Verb-ing (Present Participle).
2. Penggunaan Keterangan Waktu
Kita memakai Past future perfect continuous tense untuk mengekspresikan situasi pada durasi dari waktu tertentu sampai waktu tertentu bahwa suatu perjuangan sedang dilakukan. Karena itu dikala memakai tense ini, maka kita harus sudah tahu bila insiden yang kita maksudkan berjalan dalam waktu lampau yang ditentukan.Beberapa keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai untuk Past future continuous antara lain:
At the time
by the end of this year / by the end of this month / by the end of this week
dan lain sebagainya
Namun itu hanyalah pola dari beberapa keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai pada past future perfect continuous tense ini, selebihnya, kalian sanggup menyesuaikan sendiri dengan kebutuhan kalian dan kalimat yang akan kalian bikin / gunakan.
Dalam kalimat pola berikut, akan ditandai mana yang merupakan keterangan waktu. Keterangan waktu sanggup disimpan di depan maupun belakang kalimat.
I would have been studying English for three hours at this time yesterday.
You said the you would have been cooking pasta for ten years last month.
We would have been working at non govermental organization for 5 years by the end of last year if us didn’t get an accident.
If they parent permitted them, they would have been traveling around the Asia last year.
Last night, she would have been reading harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban novel.
He would have been playing soccer last week.
Cara Penulisan Past Future Perfect Continuous
Penjelasan di atas yakni penerjemahan sederhana dari auxiliary dan syarat yang dipakai dalam past future perfect continous tense. Syarat tersebut dihentikan dilupakan dalam menciptakan kalimat dengan tenses ini.Untuk rumus menciptakan kalimat dengan memakai past future perfect continuous tense, maka kalian sanggup mengikuti rumus future perfect continuous tense yang kami berikan sebagai berikut:
positive (+) : Subject + would + have + been + Verb -ing / present participle
Negative (-) : Subject + would + not + have + been + Verb-ing / present participle
Interrogative (?) : Would + subject + have + been + Verb-ing / present participle
Contoh past future perfect continuous tense
(+) : I would have been working at non governmental organization for 5 years by the end of this year.(-) : I would not have been working at non governmental organization for 5 years by the end of this year.
(?) : Would I have been working at non governmental organization for 5 years by the end of this year ?
(+) : You would have been swimming at the pool yesterday morning.
(-) : You would not have been swimming at the pool yesterday morning.
(?) : Would you have been swimming at the pool yesterday morning ?
(+) : They would have been playing basketball for three hours by the end of the day.
(-) : They would not have been playing basketball for three hours by the end of the day.
(?) : Would have been playing basketball for three hours by the end of the day ?
(+) : We would have been cooking for thanksgiving yesterday.
(-) : We would not have been cooking for thanksgiving yesterday.
(?) : Would we have been cooking for thanksgiving yesterday ?
(+) : She would have been sewing the dress for two weeks on prom night.
(-) : She would not have been sewing the dress for two weeks on prom night.
(?) : Would she have been sewing the dress for two weeks on prom night ?
(+) : He would have been working for my father for four years by the end of last month, but unfortunately, he have an accident last year.
(-) : He would not have been working for my father for four years by the end of last month, but unfortunately, he have an accident last year.
(?) : Would he have been working for my father for four years by the end of last month, but unfortunately, he have an accident last year ?
(+) : The dogs would have been eating their snack at the time.
(-) : The dogs would not have been eating their snack at the time.
(?) : Would the dogs have been eating their snack at the time ?
(+) : If my parents permitted me, I would have been study aboard last year.
(-) : If my parents permitted me, I would not have been study aboard last year.
(?) : If my parents permitted me, Would I have been studying aboard last year ?
Past future perfect continuous tense mempunyai fungsi untuk menjelaskan suatu acara yang direncanakan dan masih terus dilaksanakan di masa lampau serta tense ini sanggup dipakai untuk menciptakan conditional sentence type 3 meskipun sangat jarang dipakai dalam praktiknya.
Bagaimana, apakah kalian semakin paham dengan fungsi dan cara memakai past future perfect continuous tense? Semoga artikel ini mempunyai kegunaan bagi kalian yang sedang berguru Bahasa Inggris, khususnya tenses. kalian juga sanggup membaca artikel lain menganai tense dari kami. Selamat belajar.
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