
Soal Latihan Un Smp Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap Terbaru

Ilmu yaitu pengetahuan yang telah disusun secara sistematis dan berlaku umum, sedangkan pengetahuan yaitu pengalaman yang bersifat pribadi/kelompok dan belum disusun secara sistematis alasannya belum dicoba dan diuji.

Dalam konteks akademis atau profesional, ujian (atau ujian untuk pendek) yaitu tes yang bertujuan untuk memilih kemampuan seorang mahasiswa atau calon dokter. Biasanya ujian tes tertulis, walaupun beberapa mungkin mudah atau komponen praktis, dan sangat bervariasi dalam struktur, isi dan kesulitan tergantung pada subjek, kelompok usia orang yang diuji dan profesi.

Seseorang yang melewati ujian mendapatkan ijazah, sebuah surat izin mengemudi atau profesional, tergantung pada tujuan pemeriksaan. Pemeriksaan kompetitif yaitu ujian di mana pelamar bersaing untuk sejumlah posisi, sebagai lawan hanya harus mencapai tingkat tertentu untuk lulus.

Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui setiap siswa yang berada di tingkat pendidikan formal niscaya akan mengahadapi yang namanya Ujian sebagai bentuk tes terhadap para siswa untuk mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan siswa tersebut dalam memahami pelajaran yang telah di sampaikan oleh para guru, sehingga nantinya akan di sanggup hasil sebagai materi penilaian untuk memperbaiki kemampuan siswa ketingkat yang lebih baik lagi.

Ujian Nasional biasa disingkat UN yaitu sistem penilaian standar pendidikan dasar dan menengah secara nasional dan persamaan mutu tingkat pendidikan antar tempat yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan, Depdiknas di Indonesia menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 20 tahun 2003 menyatakan bahwa dalam rangka pengendalian mutu pendidikan secara nasional dilakukan penilaian sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas penyelenggara pendidikan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.

Lebih lanjut dinyatakan bahwa penilaian dilakukan oleh forum yang berdikari secara berkala, menyeluruh, transparan, dan sistematik untuk menilai pencapaian standar nasional pendidikan dan proses pemantauan penilaian tersebut harus dilakukan secara berkesinambungan.

Proses pemantauan penilaian tersebut dilakukan secara terus menerus dan berkesinambungan pada karenanya akan sanggup membenahi mutu pendidikan. Pembenahan mutu pendidikan dimulai dengan penentuan standar.

Penentuan standar yang terus meningkat diperlukan akan mendorong peningkatan mutu pendidikan, yang dimaksud dengan penentuan standar pendidikan yaitu penentuan nilai batas (cut off score).

Seseorang dikatakan sudah lulus/kompeten kalau telah melewati nilai batas tersebut berupa nilai batas antara penerima didik yang sudah menguasai kompetensi tertentu dengan penerima didik yang belum menguasai kompetensi tertentu.

Bila itu terjadi pada ujian nasional atau sekolah maka nilai batas berfungsi untuk memisahkan antara penerima didik yang lulus dan tidak lulus disebut batas kelulusan, aktivitas penentuan batas kelulusan disebut standard setting.

Manfaat pengaturan standar ujian tamat :
  • Adanya batas kelulusan setiap mata pelajaran sesuai dengan tuntutan kompetensi minimum.
  • Adanya standar yang sama untuk setiap mata pelajaran sebagai standar minimum pencapaian kompetensi.

Maka menurut Hal tersebut pada artikel kali ini, saya akan menshare mengenai Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa Inggris bagi kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap dengan jumlah 50 Soal. Dimana dalam soal latihan ini, yaitu berupa soal pilihan ganda dan tentunya sudah disertakan kunci jawabannya supaya teman2 semua bisa lebih gampang Untuk menghafalnya dan juga bisa menyebabkan rujukan soal ketika akan menghadi Tryout ataupun pada ketika ujian  Nasional nanti alasannya soal tersebut diambil menurut sumber dari buku mata pelajaran bahasa inggris yang dipelajari di Sekolah.

    Mungkin itu saja sedikit ulasan mengenai isi artikel yang akan saya bahas kali ini, eksklusif saja kita menuju Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap berikut dibawah ini.

    Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap

    Adapun soal-soal yang akan kita bahas pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 ini sebagai materi rujukan ketika menghadapi TryOut ataupun UN yaitu sebagai berikut :

    Read the text to answer questions 1 and 2.

    Dear Hanifah,

    I congratulate you for getting your bachelor's degree this spring. Your accomplishing this while maintaining a home and raising three children is a marvelous achievement. Your determination to reach your goal has been admirable. l'm sure your husband must be very proud of you. You are a good role model.

    Your friend,

    1. The sentence "You are a good role modeli' in the
    text can be replaced by...
    A. you are a hero.
    B. you play very well.
    C. you are a good example.
    D. you have good character.

    2. Based on the text the writer writes the text in order to ...
    A. express her proudness to be her friend.
    B. pray for her achievement to reach the goal.
    C. show her feeling pleased and satisfied to her.
    D. praise herfriend's success in academic and family.

    Read the text to answer questions 3 and 4.

    Dear Mrs. Jane,

    l'm sorry, I have to miss your lesson today. My mother has a doctor's appointment and so I have to go home and look after my little brother. l'll get the important notes and homework topic from one of my classmates tomorrow.

    Best regard,

    3. After Shirley sent the message, she promised that
    she would ...
    A. take care of her brother at home.
    B. see her classmate to get the topic.
    C. accompany her mother to the doctor.
    D. make some notes and do the homework.

    4. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
    A. To show her regret that she cannot attend the class.
    B. To ask apology that she'has to look after her brother at home.
    C. To ask permission to Mrs. Jane that she has to leave her class.
    D. To inform that she has to accompany her mother to the doctor.

    The following text for questions 5 to 7.


    The school district prides itself in making more than 80 extracurricular options available to interested students. Among these are some very popular larger clubs, as well as some smaller, less well-known activity groups. Please also check the State College High School web page for more information on the various clubs. (Click"select a school" in the upper Ieft corner and choose State College Area High School.)

    5. What should the students do to get more information on the various clubs?
    A. Choose one of very popular larger clubs.
    B. Click"select a school"in the upper left corner.
    C. Check the State College High School web page.
    D. Choose the extracurricular at State College Area High School.

    6. "........ 80 extracurricular options available to ......"
    The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
    A. given
    B. offered
    C. prepared
    D. mentioned

    7. What is the announcement written for?
    A. To inform how to register some extracurricular.
    B. To ask the students to join some extracurricular.
    C. To inform famous clubs and the activity in the groups.
    D. To tell how to get the information about

    Read the text to answer Questions 11 and 12.

    8. What will the reader do after reading the announcement?
    A. Prepare the vision for Monroeville.
    B. Make some public places at the downtown.
    C. Open the blogspot to get some information.
    D. Discuss with the citizens about the town meeting.

    9. Where can probably we find such announcement?
    A. At the announcement board of the city hall.
    B. At the Monroevilleplan.blogspot.com.
    C. At the parking area of the downtown.
    D.' At the public services of the town.

    10.  Based on the text, people ... come to the meeting inorder to share the ideas for their town.
    A. should
    B. must
    C. shall
    D. will

    Read the text to answer Questions 11 and 12.

    11. Because the product contains no preservatives, we can assume.....
    A. the product is delicious
    B. it is safe to consume the product
    C. it is easy to find the product in the stores
    D. giving the product to the children is good action

    12. It is important to read the Iabel because we know the....of the product
    A. ingredient
    B. height
    C. shape
    D. price

    Read the text to answer questions 13 to 15.

    Al Mubarak Hotel

    Located in the Suburban area of Pekalongan. AI Mubarak Hotel offers well furnished rooms in the calm and peaces atmosphere. lt features a cozy restaurant which provide many kind of lndonesian and lnternational cuisine, a large ball room, meeting room, and art gallery.

    Featuring spacious and elegant interiors, each air-conditioned room is provided with a cableTV, a bathrooffi, d wardrobe, a tea or coffee maker, and minibar are also available.

    Guest can exercise at the fitness centre or enjoy a refreshing dipin the indoor swimming pool.

    To make reservation, please call Al Mubarak Hotel at (0285)7507

    13. What additional facilities can be adored by the guests?
    A. Outdoor sport arena.
    B. lndoor sport activities.
    C. A spacious meeting room.
    D. Local and lnternational foods.

    14. "Featuring spacious and elegant interiors, ......"
    The underlined word has closest meaning with ....
    A. big                       C. wide
    B. large                    D. Iuxurious

    15. The text is addressed to travellers who want to ....
    A. eat internationaland traditional cuisine
    B. spend holiday in cheerful environment
    C. do activities at a cosy minibar
    D. relax in a quiet atmosphere

    Read the text to answer questions 16 to 18.

    It was the last day of our vacation. My sister and I were buying some souvenirs when we saw a poster for a )ay-Tconcert. We tried to buy tickets but they had sold out. We were really disappointed because we had wanted to do something special on our last night.

    ln the end, we went to a restaurant. When we were ordering our meal, )ay-Zwalked in and sat at the table next to us! We told him we were big fans of him. We eally wanted to watch his concert but the
    tickets were sold out. He felt sorry and invited us to the concert. We had the best night ever.

    16. The writer was surprised to meet Jay-Z at the restaurant since it's ....
    A. accidently       
    B. on purpose                       
    C. well planned
    D. unplanned before

    17. The writer told his experience in order to show ...
    A. how wonderful the )ay-Z concert was
    B. how easy to get the tickets for the concert
    C. how important the last day of his holiday was
    D. how lucky he was to get a chance to see Jay-Z concert

    18. The writer wouldn't watch the concert ... he didn't go to the restaurant.
    A. so
    B. if
    C. but
    D. since

    Read the text to answer questions 19 to 21.
    Mrs. Jane,

    My son just told me that you came to our home yesterday. I am so sorry I was not at home. I had medical check-up at the central 'hospital. I would like to ask you to have lunch next Sunday so we can have a chat. lwill be glad if you could come.

    Mrs. Sarah

    19. What will Mrs. Jane do on receiving the message?
    A. Forgive all Mrs. Sarah's mistakes.
    B. Come to Mrs. Sarah's house for lunch.
    C. lnform Mrs. Sarah that she will come soon.
    D. Tell Mrs. Sarah weather she could come or not for lunch.

    20. Based on the text, Mrs. Sarah ... medical check-up at the hospital.
    A. will have
    B. had done
    C. is having
    D. has done

    21 . What is the writer's intention to write the text?
    A. To ask her to accompany her to the hospital.
    B. To apologize and invite her for lunch on Sunday.
    C. To meet her son and ask for forgiveness for being sick.
    D. To inform her to come to her house and have medlcal check-up.

    Read the text to answer questions 22 to 25

    I make friends easlly, so I have a lot of friends. I can't imagine my life without them. There is one, who will always be in the first place in my heart, her narne is Utami.

    Utami is a very beautiful and charming girl. She is taller than me and has straight brown hair and deep chestnut brown eyes.

    Like most teenagers she pays a lot of attention to her appearance and likes dressing in the latest and most extravagant fashion.

    By nature Utami is communicative and outgoing. Her biggest dream is to become a singer and I believe that her wish will come true as she has won many prizes in many concerts, she sings really incredibly.

    However, Utami also has her shortcomings. She never goes on time to her dates. Sometimes she is absent-minded and inconsiderate and that makes people think she never takes things seriously. But this is not true. Another thing about her is that she likes to look after people.

    once she ever saved my life! We went swimming in a pool. Suddenly, my left leg went dead I couldn't go on swimming. I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes I found myself lying and
    Utami held my hands. She, herself had pulled me out of the water.

    lf she weren't there, I would have dr0wned. For me, friendship is the most important thing in the world. I am proud to say that I have such loyal and helpful friend - one in a million.

    22. ".....,Utami also has her shortcomingsJ'
    The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
    A. faults
    B. strengths
    C. confidence
    D. selfishness

    23. From the text above, w€ can say that ...
    A. Utami also has weaknesses.
    B. Utami can make friends easily.
    C. The writer is a fashionable girl.
    D. The writer could not swim well.

    24. The writer writes the text in order to ....
    A. tell the characteristic of her closest friend.
    B. show her pride having Utami as a closest friend.
    C. express her feeling being Utami's closest friend.
    D. share her experience how to keep a good friendship.

    25. After reading the text, the writer wants the readers have to ...
    A. loyal to their friends.
    B. receive ones'goodness and weakness.
    C. help each others to keep communication.
    D. greet among us to maintain relationship.

    Read the text to answer questions 26 to 28.

    A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. lt has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and in New Guinea.

    Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at spEeds of over 45 kilometers per hoilr.

    The largest kangaroos are the Great grey kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grows to a length of 1.60 meters and weighs over 90 kilos.

    Kangaroos are marsupials. The female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

    26. Based on the text, Kangaroos are marsupials. lt means that ...
    A. the female kangaroos have an external pouch on the front of their body.
    B. the kangaroos keep their baby in their external pouch.
    C. all of kangaroos have their own external pouches.
    D. their babies were born ln their external pouches.

    27. Based on the text, the writer writes the text in order to ...
    A. inform where a kangaroo lives.
    B. explain the characteristics of a kangaroo.
    C. give information about kinds of kangaroo.
    D. persuade people to see a kangaroo in Australia.

    28. The writer describes the kangaroo that it can ...
    A. run faster than a car.
    B. grow as tall as a man.
    C. walk as soon as it is born.
    D. live in a pouch during its life.

    Read the text to answer questions 29 to 31.

    Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. They thought they would like to go and see the big city that was about ten miles away.

    They talked about it for a long time and at last they set off to the city.

    It was a hot day, and they soon began to feel tired. They had only gone a little way when one said to the other, "we must be nearly there, can you see the city?"

    "No, "said the otherfrog,"but if lclimb on your back I might be able to see it" So he climbed up 0n the back of the otherfrog to see the city.

    Now when the frog put up his head, his eyes could only see what was behind. And not what was in the front. So he saw the village they had just left.

    "Can you see the city?"asked the frog who was below. "Yesl'answered the frog who had climbed up. "l can see it. lt looks just like our village."

    Then the frogs thought that it was not worthwhile going any further. They went back and told the frogs in the village that they had seen the city, and it was just like theirs.

    29. ".... and at last they set off to see the city"
    The underlined words have closest meaning with...
    A. left
    B. gave up
    C. decided
    D. stopped

    30. The writer's purpose to write the text is to ....
    A. tell us never do something useless with our friends
    B. teach us to accept whatever information we receive
    C. show us always ask someone's opinion for anything .
    D. ask us never trust within single opinion without other evidences

    31. Why did one of the frogs climb on the other's back?
    A. He felt very tired.
    B. He could not see the city.
    C. He thought it was worthwhile.
    D. He wanted to see their village.

    Read the text to answer questions 32 to 35.

    The word "Glue Gun" may sounds dangerous for us, but it is not an actual gun to shot a bullet. lnstead it can help us in making a handicraft. ln the process the heat from the gun will melt the glue
    stick and turn it into liquid form that we can use to stick anything including the parts of our handicraft.

    Follow these following steps if you want to use the Glue Gun.
    1. Check and clean the glue gun from any old glue clogging in the nozzle.
    2. Put the glue stick into the gun nozzle.
    3. lnsert the plug into the electricity socket.
    4. Prepare a sheet of paper and put the glue gun on it.
    5. Wait until the gun get warmer.
    6. Squeeze the trigger gently to check if the glue stick has changed into liquid form.
    7. Finally, you can apply it on any surface that you want to stick by using this glue gun.

    32. What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
    A. To explain how to use a glue gun.
    B. To show the way to liquid glue in the gun.
    C. To inform how to stick some things on a paper.
    D. To tell the steps using liquid glue for handicraft.

    33. "...and put the glue gun on it"
    The underlined word refers to ....
    A. the glue gun                           C. a sheet of paper
    B. the gun nozzle                        D. the electricity socket

    34. What shoutd we do first before we use the glue gun?
    A. Insert the plug into electricity power.
    B. Melt the glue stick by warming it up.
    C. Heat the glue gun in order to melt the glue stick.
    D. Check and clean the glue gun from any old glue.

    35. Why do we have to wait until the gun gets warmer?
    A. The gun can be applied if it's already hot.
    B. The heat from the gun can be used to stick anything.
    C. The heat from the gun is needed to melt the glue stick.
    D. The glue stick must be liquid form to insert into 'nozzle.

    Read the text to answer questions 36 to 39.

    Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was very p00r. He helped a rich bad man to tend cattle. He liked drawing and drew pictures everywhere. One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to use it to help p00r people. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk.

    From that day on, he used the paintbrush to help people. Whenever he drew pictures, they became real. But a few days later, his master heard aboutthe magic paintbrush and stole it. He drew a lot of pictures, but they could not become real. He was very angry and asked some people to get Ma Liang.

    When Ma Liang (ame, he said to him, "lf you draw some pictures for me and turn them to live, I will set you free."The young man said, "! can help you, but you should obey your words."The bad man felt very happy and said, "l want a golden mountain. I will go there to gather gold."The young man drew a sea first. Then the young man drew a golden mountain which was far away from the sea. After that he drew a big ship. The bad man jumped into the ship. When the ship sailed to the middle of the sea, the young man drew a large wave and it destroyed the ship. After that, the young man lived with his family happily and kept on helping the poor people. So the magic paintbrush was kown by everyorle.

    36. How was Ma Liang like?
    A. Smart and helpful.
    B. Smart but greedy.
    C. Clever but cunning.
    D. Humble and helpful.

    37. What is the topic of the story?
    A. A young man and the king.
    B. A clever painter and a wise king.
    C. A good painter and a greedy king.
    D. A magic paintbrush and a helpful man.

    38. What would happen if Ma Liang didn't kill the King?
    A. The King would kill him.
    B. The King would get a lot of gold.
    C. He would get prize from the King.
    D. He wouldn't be able to help poor people.

    39. If Ma Liang didn't do what the King asked, he would ....
    A. be poor
    B. loose in the sea
    C. stayed in the jail
    D. live in the mountain

    Read the text to answer Questions 40 to 43.

    Ginger Drink
    What You'll Need

    • 3 cups boiling water
    • 1/2 cup peeled and grated fresh ginger root
    • 1/2cup agave nectar
    • 1 teaspoon whole cloves
    • 2 cinnamon sticks
    • 1/4 cup lime juice
    • 1/2 cup orange or tangerine juice
    • 4 cups filtered water

    How to Make lt '

    • Place ginger, agave, cloves, and cinnamon in a stainless steel, porcelain, 0r heatproof glass container.
    • Pour boiling water over the spices and let steep for at least one hour.
    • Add lime, orange, and filtered water; stir and allow the mixture to sit for at least one more hour.
    • Strain the brew through cheesecloth or a very fine sieve, and store in a non-reactive container (preferably glass).

    40. "Stir and allow the mixture to sit for at least one more hour ". The underlined word is closest in
    meaning to....
    A. liquid
    B. drink
    C. combination
    D. juice

    41 . After reading the text we know....
    A. the information that ginger can be made into adrink
    B. the difficulty in making a ginger drink
    C. the steps in enjoying the ginger drink
    D. the ways to make ginger drink

    42. It is suggested to keep the drink in a non-reactive container because it is considered....
    A. safe
    B. useful
    C. effective
    D. important

    43. "strain the brew through cheesecloth or a very fine sieve". From this instruction we know that....
    A. the ginger will dissolve in the brew
    B. we will eat all the ingredients
    C. we have to sepa rate the water a nd the ing red ients
    D. the taste of the drink will change

    Read the text to answer questions 44 to 46.

    Lightning is one of Nature's most dangerous phenomenon. The average lightning flash could light a 100 watt Iight bulb for more than three months. The temperature of a lightning bolt may reach 27 .7600C which is hotter than the surface of the sun.

    Lightning is not only an outdoor hazard. In house without adequate lightning protection, it can be dangerous to take a bath or shower. The electric shock could be delivered along the water pipes. There is also the risk of lightning shocks being transmitted via telephone or plugged in electronics in houses without protection.

    Thus, people who live in these houses should unplug elephones, computers, and televisions during storms, protecting hem from damage in case of lightning strike. lf that is too much work, it's much safer to at least install special socket inserts that protect against surges.

    44. Who probably writes the text?
    A. A student I
    B. A reporter
    C. A scientist
    D. A historian

    45. The text is mainly about ... of lightning.
    A.the power
    B.the danger
    C. the process
    D. the definition

    46. Which of the following is prohibited to do when there is lightning in a house without lightning protection?
    A. Sweep the floor
    B. Turn on the torch
    C. Turn on gas stove
    D. Vacuum the carpet

    Read the text to answer questions 47 to 50.

    The Shard is an 87-storey skycraper, which sits in the heart of London. lt is known as the shard of glass. Contruction began in 2009 and was completed three years later in 2012, making it Western European's tallest building.

    Designed by architect Renzo Piano, The Shard is the second tallest free standing structure in the UK. Its exterior boats 11,000 glass panels - that's equivalent in area to eight football pitches or two-a nd-a-ha lf Trafa I ga r 5q ua res.

    The building was developed to have multiple uses, describes on the websites as a 'vertical city where people can live, work and relaxi This motto was clearly taken on board that was found on the 72nd floor towards the end of construction.

    47. What is the topic of the text?
    A. The Trafalgar Squares.
    B. The architect Renzo Piano.
    C. The tallest building in London.
    D. The Shard, building in London.

    48. " ...........making it Western European's tallest building"
    The underlined word refers to ....
    A. London
    B. The Shard
    C. The skyscraper
    D. The construction

    49. What probably makes people interested to stay in the Shard?
    A. lt has multiple uses.
    B. lt is made of glass panels.
    C. !t is designed by famous architect.
    D. lt is the tallest building in London.

    50. ln Europe, the Shard is popular on its ....
    A. Height
    B. Exterior
    C. Function
    D. Glass panels

    Demikianlah artikel mengenai Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap Terbaru ini, biar bermanfaat buat teman2 yang sedang mencari rujukan mengenai soal2 dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam pembuatan soal ataupun jawabannya. biar bisa bermanfaat dan bisa dipakai sebagai materi untuk belajar. Terima Kasih .

    Sumber http://prakatakita.blogspot.com

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